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DeSoto County Residents Cut the Ribbon on the New Smoke-Free Mosaic Arena
March 1, 2018

Most people today realize the threat tobacco use poses to their health. The serious health risks have been discussed for decades in school health classes, by parents, doctors and prevention experts and programs. While, tobacco use continues to decline, we still have at risk communities all over the United States that have much higher usage rates than others.

Research has shown that rural communities like DeSoto County, are more heavily affected by cigarette and smokeless tobacco use. In fact, the health of people living in rural areas is impacted by tobacco use more so than those in urban and metropolitan areas, often because of socioeconomic factors such as lower levels of education, and higher levels of unemployment. (American Lung Association. Cutting Tobacco’s Rural Roots: Tobacco Use in Rural Communities. Chicago: American Lung Association, 2015)

In many communities across the State of Florida, smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco, and exposure to second-hand smoke are accepted as a fact of life, but they don't have to be.

Implementing a tobacco policy helps create a safe and healthy environment for all. The negative health effects of tobacco use for both users and nonusers, particularly in connection with secondhand smoke, are well established and known to cause serious lung diseases, heart disease and cancer.

The new Mosaic Arena supports the health of DeSoto County citizens and reinforces our commitment to preserving and improving the health and comfort in our community. We are pleased to announce that the brand-new Mosaic Arena will be a smoke free facility. For these purposes, smoking products are defined as cigarettes, pipes, hookahs, cigarillos, cigars, clove cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) such as vapor and electronic cigarettes.

The use of the products as listed above are prohibited in any building or on the grounds except in designated areas. This Smoke-Free initiative applies to all persons present in the areas described above including but not limited to staff, contractors, and visitors.

The Tobacco Free Partnership of DeSoto County is extremely proud of the Mosaic Arena for doing their part to protect the overall health and wellbeing of our rural community.

If you want more information on becoming involved in local initiatives to reduce tobacco use in our community, please contact Jodie DeLoach, Tobacco Prevention Specialist at