News and Events

DeSoto County Businesses Celebrate the Annual Great American Smokeout
November 19 , 2015

The Great American Smokeout is an annual observance sponsored by the American Cancer Society that encourages tobacco users to use the day to make a quit plan or plan in advance to use the day to quit. The Great American Smokeout raises awareness about the dangers of smoking and the many effective resources available to successfully quit.

On Thursday November 19, the Tobacco Free Partnership of DeSoto teamed up with the Arcadia Housing Authority and Transpower Construction Services, Inc., to promote and encourage the use of tobacco cessation resources available to employees through Tobacco Free Florida’s Three Ways to Quit.

Having a comprehensive quit plan increases a tobacco user’s success rate in quitting. Bookmarks were distributed inspiring employees to “Quit & Tell” by providing these six steps:

  1. Decide to Quit
  2. Make a Plan
  3. Set a Quit Date
  4. Start Your Quit Journey
  5. Keep Trying
  6. Quit & Tell

Quit & Tell

Becky Sue Mercer, the Director of the Arcadia Housing Authority and Community Health Advocate Whitney Browning used the opportunity to further spread the message to tenants of Housing Authority properties by placing the bookmarks in the lobby of the office.  Posters were also put up in the break room and common areas at the Arcadia Housing Authority. Becky Sue stated, “This is an important message to share with the community and I am glad to be able to be used as an outlet to reach more than my employees with it.”

We also encouraged all tobacco quitters to share their story with others about their quit journey on usinf the Quit & Tell feature Tobacco Free Florida’s website.

For additional information on tobacco cessation resources in DeSoto County, contact Whiyney Browning at